Friday, November 27, 2009

October and November

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! My folks drove over from Boise and Lindsey took the train down from Seattle.

Not much of a baby bump yet at 16 1/2 wks.

AJ snoozing after Thanksgiving dinner; don't spill your coffee!

Copper and Piper helped make Thanksgiving dinner!

Andy and Phil came over to Missoula to visit us while I was interviewing for a Dermatology position.

My sister Lindsey; a lawyer doing an Intellectual Property Law course at Univeristy of WA.

Copper loves AJ.

Halloween; AJ went as "The Wolverine" and I was a "Hunter".

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Big news!

We are preggers! This is little "Gunner" at 11 wks; so cute and little!
13 wks (today); looking pretty good!


Labia, with 80% certainty...poor AJ!