Thursday, July 29, 2010

July 29th

Reading "The Lakota Way" with Dad while trying to keep Logan awake until her designated naptime. We did OK last night, but it was no 12 hours...

More Jazzy toes with a red pedicure and flip-flops!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

July 28th

We finally got Logan's room set up! We went for a walk this evening to try to kill some time before bedtime and Logan fell asleep before it was time! This is AJ trying to keep her awake, to no avail...

Logan wore a pair of her jazzy toes today; they are so big that they are more like tights!

She even has her own bathroom with a skylight!

Getting on a schedule...

We finally got serious about a schedule for Logan's sleeping/eating and read the book, "The Baby Sleep Solution". The goal is for the baby to nap 1 hour during the morning, 2 hours in the afternoon and 12 hours uninturrupted at night by 12 weeks of age! After just about 12 hours of following the simple steps, I have already seen a BIG difference. For instance, I thought babies couldn't eat more than 4 ounces at a time in their little tummies, wrong! We offered Logan more this morning and she chowed down 7 ounces! The key to 12 hours of sleep at night is replacing their evening feeds during the daytime by way of increasing the amount with each q4h daytime meal!

Our plan is for an 8pm bedtime. She woke up at 8am this morning and we fed her. I put her down for her 1 hour nap at 10 am. She will eat again at noon and go down for another nap around 2pm. We will try to get her to sleep until 4pm (usually she sleeps for about 3 or more hours during the day, especially if we are in the car or stroller). Then she will eat around 4pm and we try to keep her awake until 8pm when she eats again and goes down for the night. Whew! If only!

Pics from the nursery to come soon!

Monday, July 26, 2010


We ventured up the road from our house into the Rattlesnake trail system. Had a great hike with Logan strapped on (my back is killing me even though AJ carried her more than half the time)!

My two little trailblazers sure were tired when we got home!

My computer crashed and my camera fell out of the diaper bag today, so camera-phone pics may be all you get for awhile.

AJ is cooking us a Salmon dinner tonight; then we're going to check out the indoor pool/water park if we still have any energy in us...

Nap Nanny recalled today due to baby that died when it was used in a crib (which you are not supposed to do!) and she was trapped between the chair and the bumper. Even though we use it correctly on the floor, I'm probably not going to put her in it all night anymore. This could be interesting...tried the pack-n-play for a nap today and screaming ensued! Tomorrow I'm on the hunt for a real crib! I also have sheer bumpers that the baby can easily breathe through!

Sunday's Scenic Flight

Missoula From 7000ft MSL

I decided to get started exploring the area Sunday, so I flew from Missoula (MSO) South up the Bitteroot all the way to the West Fork.
Lee Metcalf Wildlife Area

Looking South towards the West Fork
On the way back I landed at Hamilton (6S5) and Stevensville (32S), then headed East to the Rock Creek Drainage and flew that back to the Clark Fork.

Looking North down Rock Creek towards the Clark Fork

The fishing is reported to be very good in Rock Creek, so I will soon need to take a closer look, with flyrod in hand;)

I then flew the Rattlesnake Wilderness (which starts just behind our house) to see what that was all about.
The Rattlesnake Wilderness was bigger than I expected!
The Rattlesnake has many mountain lakes and some very unique access, as there is a mountain bike trail more or less down the center, with foot access off either side.
I'm thinking my next flight might be to the North and a bit East to check out the Bison Range...

Sunday, July 25, 2010

A Good Day!

This morning Logan and I went for a jog while Aaron flew around exploring the Montana countryside. Last night Logan slept downstairs in her room all alone...and she did great! 5 hours between 10-3 and then she ate and slept until almost 6 am! Anytime after 5 am is snuggle-time with mom in bed...we slept in until 7:30!
I have to get some publicity photos taken tomorrow, so had to try on some work pants. Thank God they fit (barely). My fitted shirts are another story...
On the agenda today was browsing the second-hand children's furniture stores for a crib...but they are all closed on Sunday...damn these Missoulains and there liberal ways! Guess we will just have to go exploring...although we are limited by the 96 degree forecast for today!

Friday, July 23, 2010


Saturday Market! Logan was the cutest gal there, of course AJ was the handsomest husband...

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Logie in the pool

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Our new place!

AJ took the pics of the deer in the backyard!

Logan's Wardrobe

I spent a significant amount of time yesterday photographing Logan's clothes and organizing them into one big powerpoint presentation with the coordinating shoes, jackets and hats so I can just put up a picture of what I want AJ to dress her in for the day and he won't even have to think twice! Here is one of my favorites, "Daddy's Little Deer!"

Friday, July 09, 2010

Two months old today!

Logan got her 2 month shots this week, poor baby! Besides being sleepy during the day, she seems to have no ill effects...

She weighs 11 lbs and 2 oz, which is 58th %tile
Her length is 22 in, which is 38th %tile
Her head circumference is 15in, which is 34th%tile...

She is on her way to being a little chunker, better cut back on the booby-milk!