Sunday, May 24, 2009

Wet dogs

Boise weekend

We had tons of fun catching up with old friends/family at the Hamiltons last night, some good food and drink as well, thanks Molly! I got my baby fix holding little Delaney.
Fischer and Meredith got to go swimming in the thermal pool next door! Meredith gives Fischer a kiss every time someone wants to take their picture. Later that night Fischer accepted a dare to eat an ant, ew!
We took the dogs running in the foothills this morning. Aj and I realized that elevation DOES make a difference when coming from Portland to Boise! Piper is the red one (goldendoodle), Copper is the white one (labradoodle) and Doc is the "purebred" (black lab).

This was Piper's first time swimming!
Piper was all tired out after the run. She fell asleep in the sun on my parents brand new patio!

Sunday, May 17, 2009


We went out on the boat Sunday morning. AJ did catch a fish (chinook), but it was only 3 inches long! I wore tons of sunscreen. Despite my best intentions, not much studying got done...
AJ was all tired out from the long runs I took him on this weekend. He needs to get back into shape! The tree in our backyard is really blooming now!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

We are getting some great weather in Portland this weekend. We took advantage of it and spent most of the weekend out-of-doors!
We went to Olympia for the Duck's Unlimited Skeet Shoot on Saturday morning. It was pretty fun; I didn't shoot as bad as I thought I would...

The funniest part were the "gun-carts" that all the guys were pushing around. Looks suspeciously like a re-fabbed Bob Stroller! I kept expecting to see a baby in there!
I did get to see a baby when I visited my friend Jill in St. Helen's. It was her grandma's 90th birthday and Jill's own 30th. Just day #19 for Maida, so cute!
Getting some practice. Maida needs to be bounced, rocked, swaddled and have her binky all at the same time to be happy...high maintanence!

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Falling apart

I finally got my computer up and running again; it only took 2 wks, 2 trips to the repair store and $260! My hard drive had to be rebuilt and I lost everything...the good news is, I'll never hit my computer again and I'll be sure to back up my files in the future. Also, my computer runs a lot faster now because the repair guy took off a bunch of stuff that I never used anyway!
The weather in Portland is beautiful this weekend. This is a bush in our backyard that is starting to bloom. Maybe a rhododendrum (sp?). While I cleaned the house, AJ took advantage of the weather today to do some flying. He has his private license now and is clocking some hours in the Piper Cub (one of the types of plane he is thinking about buying). Don't worry, he has a honey-do list to cover when he gets home...
I am starting to fall apart at the early age of 28! I had to go see the eye doctor last week because I thought my eye was infected. Turns out, it's just keratitis from my contacts, so it's glasses for awhile...Note the bandage on my R calf. I developed a new little mole several months ago. It looked fine, just a 2.5mm light brown macule, but it had a funny burning sensation. However, like the procrastinator that I am; I waited until recently to get it checked. Well the biopsy was just short of melanoma in-situ, which I can tell you, was quite a shock. I guess those years of laying out and tanning took their toll. I was in on the operating table just hours after the diagnosis and now have a dime-sized hole in my leg down to the fat (atypical lesions are treated as though they are evolving melanoma in-situ/superficial melanoma; with a 5mm margin). I could have had it sewn up, but that would have meant a bigger scar and no running for 2 wks! Things are healing fine, I haven't had any pain, and I've been running every day! Get your moles checked and wear sunscreen, people! Don't ignore itching or a funny feeling about your moles, make your practitioner biopsy it!
Doc is thouroughly bored by me today, even though I took him for a long run this morning; there is no satisfying him! He misses his buddies Copper and Piper. See you in a couple weeks, guys!